Summer 2020 News

2020 Annual Meeting
Due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic, the annual Cheboygan Long Lake Area Association meeting has been canceled and moved to next year. As you may know the district representatives are elected every year, odd numbered districts one year and even the next. Because of the cancellation of the meeting, those that were up for election this year will remain until next year.
Yearly dues will still remain at $20. You can mail a check payable to CLLAA and mail to Barb Hall at:
Barbara Hall
5104 Paradise Trail
Cheboygan, MI 49721
Eurasian Milfoill Treatment
We will continue the treatment of the Long Lake for the Eurasian Milfoill. There is enough remaining in the fund for 1-2 years. Keep in mind that once those funds are depleted, we will need a new special assessment.
Boat Parade
Good news for the Boat Parade, you can still social distance and have a boat parade! Please note that this year we will meet in front of Camp Walden at 1pm on the 4th of July for a Patriotic lap around our wonderful lake.
Camp Walden will likely not have first session this year. They are looking the possibility of Families later this year.