Cheboygan Long Lake Association
October 24th 2013 (7:00 – 8:00 pm)
Board Meeting Minutes
Dave Warriner
Ken Larsen
Barbara Hall
Dee Slunick
Jeff Sherman
Greg Kennedy
Jim Currie
Fabian LaVigne
Ken Pletcher
Meeting Location:
Dave Warriner home
Meeting Discussion:
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by Dave Warriner
Recognition of Barbara Hall’s retirement
Dave recapped Oct 3rd board meeting with Tony Groves and Progressive AE services and that we had consensus from the prior meeting to proceed with Progressive AE. Tony still owes a “sample” contract but cannot provide financial information until they conduct the lake survey.
Eric Bacon from the state Environmental Quality division called back to indicate that the company who was providing weevils was considering staying in business but only in the state of Michigan. The company also confirmed this.
Discussion between the Long Lake Association board members discussed the option of using the weevils for one more summer while we make plans to move forward with Progressive AE. There was consensus that the Lake Association would probably be wasting funds and agreed to not continue with the weevil company.
There was a discussion on asking for donations for 2014 to be used for the initial lake assessment. Barb Hall recapped the current funds in the Long Lake Association account balances:
Total $10,421.98
Checking $1,891.06
Savings $7,746.92
Cash $ 784.00
Outstanding bill owed to Tip o Mitt $2,990.00 leaves a balance of $7,431.98 and there is $4,989.00 in two cd’s.
It was agreed that the Lake Association would once again ask for a volunteer donation of $150.00 to help fund the 2014 Progressive AE assessment
Concerns were discussed about the duplicate lake survey information that had previously been done and the proposed assessment in 2014. It was understood that the prior surveys would be used by Progressive AE but their success would be increased by a newer current survey that they conduct.
The secretary will look into seeing how we might leverage the internet to store information (minutes, newsletters, etc.). Someone suggested leveraging the Aloha Township web site which appears to be a good start by building a tab directly into this site.
There was discussion about sending the December Update which had been committed to in the September Update. Jeff Sherman agreed to draft the December newsletter and send directly to Dave Warriner for his final changes and distribution.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm