2014 Cheboygan Long Lake Area Association
Annual Meeting – Minutes and Notes
June 28th 2014
Location: Aloha Township Hall
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Attendance: 58
Coffee and Pastry
Meeting called to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Election of Officers – even year for two year terms
District Two – 5276 Hiawatha Drive thru Nokomis Trail
Greg Kennedy currently the representative
District Four – 4696 Hiawatha Drive to 4664 Hiawatha Drive
Chuck Maziasz currently the representative
District Six – East Beechwood Drive to end of Norway Trail
Jim Currie currently the representative
Boat Parade – July 4th at 2:00 (starts in front of Pines)
Association Web site updates
Tony Groves Progressive AE presentation regarding lake survey and managing milfoil in the lake
Discussion and future actions
50/50 drawing and adjournment
General Meeting Notes:
David Warriner called the meeting to order at 8:30am and led the room in the Pledge of Allegiance
All in attendance were welcomed and individually introduced themselves and identified where their property was located on the lake.
The Secretary and Treasurer indicated that they both had detailed reports from the past years activities and that anyone was welcome to obtain copies and review. All meeting minutes and Treasurers’ reports will be posted to the web site for viewing. (Jeff Sherman will work with Fred Schramm to ensure the reports are posted asap)
David Warriner explained that the odd/even calendar years designated which districts were up for election. Since this is 2014 than the even districts were be voted on for renewal. Per the agenda above, all positions were open to the floor for additional nominations. There were no new nominations. Each existing nomination was approved, seconded, and approved by the floor.
The 4th of July boat parade was announced and flyers were available to all participants
David Warriner introduced the preliminary web site (CLLAA.org) activities and introduced Fred Schramm as the creator. Additional information will be coordinated and added.
Tony Groves the aquatic biologist from Progressive AE was introduced and presented his perspective on the invasive species (milfoil) that his research team has found in Long Lake. Tony included several handouts (copies attached) which included lake maps and GPS points of milfoil discovery at approximately 93 of the 98 sampling locations around the lake. Tony outlined various options and presented the recommendation best suited for Long Lake at this point in time including a preliminary budget and specifics on how his company would manage the 5 year process.
There was an extensive questions and answer period where most of the relevant information to the plan was discussed. Listed below are the primary questions and brief responses:
Q&A with Tony Groves: Click here
Tony Groves will be providing information to the township board for the July 14th meeting. Chuck Maziasz encouraged the group to attend the meeting in support.
There are two options to proceed: petition all home owners and obtain 51% for the board to act on their own….or based on the response today move forward.
A motion from the floor was offered and seconded to recommend on behalf of the Cheboygan Long Lake Area Association to the Aloha Township Board that the township board proceed immediately and as aggressively as possible to take the necessary steps to proceed with a special assessment and to do whatever is needed to put the special assessment on the December winter assessment/payment.
The floor vote was unanimous with the approval to move forward without a single dissenting vote.
The process of continuing voluntary contributions would continue until the special assessment is passed.
A statement from the floor was made for all in attendance to speak and educate their neighbors about this process and to attend the next township meeting.
It was suggested that an end of summer meeting be held to provide an update and status regarding the project. The board agreed and will establish a time and location in August.
The 50/50 drawing was held and the winner contributed the winnings to the voluntary lake fund.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am