Cheboygan Long Lake Area Association – CLLAA
October 13th, 2016 (7:00 – 8:00 pm)
Board Meeting Minutes
Dave Warriner
Jeff Sherman
Dee Slunick
Barb Hall
Jim Curie
Fred Olive
Chuck Maziasz
Ken Larson
Fabian LaVigne
Meeting Location:
Dave Warriner home
Meeting Discussion:
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by Dave Warriner
Primary purpose of the meeting was to give the lake association board an update on the milfoil status for 2015
A third survey was conducted this year (2016) and the assessment was that the lake treatment is working well. Minor patches of milfoil are still present and it was agreed that they would be treated during the 2017 applications.
Listed below is the financial position of the invasive treatment special assessment:
Carry over balance from 2015 547.19
Proceeds from 2016 taxes 35,155.71
Fee to Progressive AE ( 9,000.00)
State license for treatment (800.00)
Application Contractor PLM (9,716.35)
Carry forward balance to 2017 16,186.55
It was noted that this was the end of year 2 of the 5 year special assessment plan
There was agreement to invite and reserve Tony Grove now as a speaker for the 2017 Annual Meeting held on the last Saturday in June. The board feels that Tony should return for an update to the lake association membership and be available to answer questions.
Discussion also transpired to indicate that the probable next invasive species is probably going to be the Zebra Mussel
Fred Olive indicated that the DNR is treating lakes in the Seney National wildlife area for milfoil and will with the follow up with the DNR to see if he can obtain additional information,
Barb Hall and Chuck Maziasz commented that the township board would keep the lake association updated on any activities that might impact the special assessment or lake association activities since it is the township that has the relationship for ultimately managing the special assessment invasive species funds and activities.
Fabian LaVigne indicated that it was time for the lake association to look for a new water testing volunteer. Fabian has done this once a week testing for the last 8 years. It involves taking water samples, water temps, and clarity measurements from June through September and coordinating the findings with the Tip of the Mitt watershed council.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 with delicious apple pies provided by Dave.