Cheboygan Long Lake Association – CLLAA
May 21st 2021 (7:00 – 8:00 pm)
Long Lake Association District Rep Meeting
Meeting was called to order by President Jim Currie at 7 pm
- Plan for Saturday June 26th, 2021 meeting. The meeting will be held at 8:30am. Meeting will be at Aloha Township hall.
- Election of Officers:
President – Open
VP – Open
Secretary – Fred Schramm
Treasurer – Barb Hall
Others interested should call Jim Currie at 231-290-594
- District Reps
#1 Chris Casari #4 Chuck Mazaisz #7 Jeff Ehlels
#2 Ed DeLanney #5 Dan Whiting
#3 Roy Van Fleet #6 Bob Armstrong
- Lake Quality
Approximately $39,000 left in fund which should fund treatments for 1.5 years
At 2019 meeting the board was asked to pursue state funding/grants. The newly elected board will be asked to seek funding per a motion by Ed DeLanney with a second from Chris/Larry
Meeting adjourned at 8pm