2018 Cheboygan Long Lake Area Association
Annual Meeting – Minutes and Notes
June 30th 2018
Location: Aloha Township Hall
(website address: https://cllaa.org/)        

Time: 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Attendance: 47

Meeting Agenda:

Coffee and Pastry
Meeting Called to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Remembering Dave Warriner’s Years of Service
Introductions:  Board and Lake Owners
Secretary’s Report: Jeff Sherman
Treasurer’s Report: Barb Hall
Guest Speakers:
Eli Baker Environmentalist Tip of the Mitt- Environmental Issues and How You Can Help
Tony Groves Biologist Progressive AE – Milfoil Update

Election of Officers – even year for two year terms

District Two –  5276 Hiawatha Drive to and including Nokomis Trail
“Open” looking for representative to run
District Four – 4696 Hiawatha Drive to 4664 Hiawatha Drive
Chuck Maziasz is currently the representative
District Six –  East Beechwood Drive to end of Norway Trail including Wylie Dr
Jim Currie is currently the rep and Bob Armstrong is running as the representative
Vice President – Fred Olive has agreed to continue
Treasurer – Barb Hall has agreed to continue
Secretary – Jeff Sherman has agreed to continue
Board Appointment President  – Jim Currie has agreed to finish Dave Warriner’s term

Old Business
New Business:

  • Aloha Township Road Improvement Update – Chuck Maziasz Township Supervisor
  • 4th of July Boat Parade
  • Fish Stocking Update-Summer 2017 DNR Planted 19,000 walleye

(Roy Van Vielt to coordinate   http://www.michigandnr.com/fishstock/)

50/50 Drawing Results: Fabian LaVigne


General Meeting Notes:
Fred Olive called the meeting to order at 8:27am, several minutes early, to try and expedite the meeting to avoid the rising temperatures forecasted for the day

Fred welcomed everyone and explained the tradition of going around the room and having everyone introduce themselves, which street they lived on, and approximately how long they have been coming to Long Lake.

Fred then introduced and explained briefly Jim Currie’s role as President and explained the transition with the passing of Dave Warriner

Jim Currie led the room in the Pledge of Allegiance and followed with a brief remembrance of Dave Warriner’s role  leading the efforts of the successful plan to remove Eurasian Milfoil from Long Lake. Jim followed with a brief prayer for Dave and was subsequently asked to also say a brief prayer for Bob Malin  a long time resident of Long Lake

The two guest speakers were introduced and presented their information.

Eli Baker –    Environmentalist  -Tip of the Mitt
Environmental Issues and How You Can Help
Eli was first to speak. Fred mentioned in his introduction how he and Dave had spent time last fall reviewing potential speakers for the 2018 Annual Meeting and Eli Baker had a significant amount of experience working with Lake Associations

Eli presented information regarding the importance of everyone’s role of “stewardship” towards caring for the environment around watersheds. He gave a brief history of the management of the watershed council and gave significant information regarding the habitats around the watershed. He indicated that transferring urban lifestyles to these watershed areas become detrimental to the long term health of these environments. He discussed the insect, reptile, fish, and wildlife implications and explained how rain water runoff and use of fertilizers damages the lake areas. He explained the various areas of lakefront property and encouraged everyone to become involved to do their part to become a sound steward of the shorelines. He encouraged the group to participate with the web based survey and do self-evaluations of how they are impacting the lakefront habitats. He brought significant informative and handouts for distribution at the meeting. Fred Schramm has indicated he will establish links for the Long Lake website to access this information. Eli indicated he would be available to answer questions after the meeting of which participants engaged him with questions.

Tony Groves – Biologist – Progressive AE
Eurasian Milfoil Update
Tony was reintroduced to the group and gave a brief history of his work with the Lake Association. Tony recognized Dave Warriner’s early efforts and explained how their process works. Tony handed out a 2018 map of the GPS coordinates that his team has identified on the lake. Tony indicated that the number of acres infested with milfoil have gone from the original 40 acres 3 years ago to this year’s survey of 4 acres. He indicated that this was very good progress and that there probably would be enough funds to keep the treatments going beyond the 5 year special assessment period that expires at the end of 2019.
Tony also indicated he would remain after the meeting to entertain any specific questions from lake owners.

Fred Olive pointed out that there were two new members (Art and Jim Jackson) taking water samples of the clarity of the lake water. This data is submitted to Tip of the Mitt for their monitoring of northern Michigan Lakes

Chuck Maziasz – Aloha Township Supervisor
Township Update

Chuck indicated that there was a $65,000 balance in the 5 year special assessment fund for treating invasive species. He reiterated that there would probably be enough funds remaining for treatment after the assessment expires in 2 years but wanted to remind everyone to keep it in mind for future discussion.

Chuck also indicated that there were two special assessment election issues coming up. The first was the millage for the fire department and the second was for road improvements. Chuck indicated that the fire millage was probably the most important however there are also several road projects that need improvements (Little Canada Creek and Baker).

Chuck also encouraged association members to take advantage of the free once a month (last Thursday of the month)  Aloha Township contract with PAC – Onaway to remove township trash. He also encouraged receiving a discount from this company for trash removal to reduce the wear and tear on the roads from multiple trash hauling companies.

Secretary and Treasurer Reports

The Secretary (Jeff Sherman) and Treasurer (Barb Hall) indicated that they both had detailed reports from the past year’s respective meetings and activities and that anyone was welcome to obtain copies and review via the CLLAA website. All meeting minutes and Treasurers’ reports will be posted to the web site for viewing. Fred Schramm continues to be the lake associations “webmaster” and encouraged
anyone with questions to contact him directly through the website via email at [email protected]. Fred Schramm indicated after the meeting that statistics show many people access the information related to board members names, phones, and addresses and he indicated the information  is not current. Jeff Sherman agreed to provide Fred this information.

Barb Hall also indicated that the total balances for the checking, savings, and CD’s were $14,988.33

Jeff Sherman committed to getting copies of the Lake Association by-laws and governance notes posted to the website

Election of 2018 Officers
Jeff Sherman explained that the odd/even calendar years designated which districts were up for election. Since this is 2018  the even districts were to be voted on for renewal. Per the agenda all positions were open to the floor for additional nominations.

Jeff indicated that the District Two representative was open and asked the floor for volunteers. Ed Delana agreed to run. Chuck Maziasz agreed to run again for District Four and Bob Armstrong (prior to the meeting) had agreed to run filling Jim Curries role for District Six.

A motion to accept was offered and seconded and a unanimous yes vote confirmed the positions

Fred Olive explained the by-law options for replacing an officer’s position and explained that Jim Currie had agreed to fill Dave Warriner’s term as long as Fred Olive remained as Vice President.

A second vote was conducted confirming Fred Olive as Vice President for a two year term, Jim Currie to complete the term of President through 2018, and Barb Hall as Treasurer for another two year term.

In 2019 (an odd year) the odd districts (1,3,5,and 7) will be up for election as well as the President and Secretary positions (identification of districts is available on the website)

July 4th Boat Parade –  Chuck Maziasz

The annual 4th of July boat parade would be on the 4th at 2:00pm and start at the south end of the lake.  The association members were encouraged to participate and arrive by 2:00 as the parade always kicks off on time

Fabian Lavigne – 50/50 Drawing

Fabian LaVigne discussed the role of the Kiwanis club and their raffle to help fund projects for the children in Cheboygan County indicating that there were two tickets left for the 2018 drawing to be held on July 4th.

He also conducted the Lake Association 50/50 drawing which was won by Jim Jackson ($48)


The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:35.