This year’s annual meeting is set for June 30th at 8:30 a.m. (Coffee, donuts & cookies at 8:00am) at the Aloha Township Hall at the corner for M33 & Mann Rd.  Tony Groves from Progressive AE will be speaking about the current status of the milfoil treatment  The next survey is scheduled for June 5th  and will make notes on other aquatic plants both native and invasive.

We will also have speaker Eli Baker from Environmental Services.  Eli will speak to us about the roles as homeowners on Long Lake and what they can do to help protect and preserve the local environment around Long Lake

In addition, the meeting will include the regular meeting minutes from 2017, the treasurer’s report, the election of officers and area representatives, and directions for the fourth of July boat parade around the lake.

Lake Association membership annual dues remain $20 and can be sent to Barbara Hall at 5104 Paradise Trail, Cheboygan, MI 49721. Checks should be made payable to Cheboygan Long Lake Area Association or CLLAA.

Click HERE for the full Agenda.

We look forward to your continued participation and support and hope