2017 Cheboygan Long Lake Area Association

Annual Meeting – Minutes and Notes
June 24th 2017

Location: Aloha Township Hall
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Attendance: 32


Coffee and Pastry
Meeting called to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Secretary’s Report: Jeff Sherman
Treasurer’s Report: Barb Hall
Election of Officers – odd year for two year terms

President – David Warriner is the incumbent

District Representatives
District One – Hayes Lane to 5276 Hiawatha Drive
Ken Pletcher is currently the representative
District Three – Nokomis Trail to 4969 Hiawatha Drive  Currently open
District Five – 4664 Hiawatha Drive to but not including East Beechwood Driver
Fabian LaVigne is currently the representative
District Seven – Agnes Rd, Manning Dr, and Lakeland Drive
Ken Larsen is currently the representative

Eurasian Milfoil Treatment Report: Dave Warriner
Aquatic Invasive Species in Michigan Lakes Report

  • Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council
  • Michigan Waterfront Alliance

50/50 drawing and adjournment

General Meeting Notes:

David Warriner called the meeting to order at 8:30am and led the room in the Pledge of Allegiance

All in attendance were welcomed and individually introduced themselves and identified where their property was located on the lake.

The Secretary (Jeff Sherman) and Treasurer (Barb Hall) indicated that they both had detailed reports from the past years respective meetings and activities and that anyone was welcome to obtain copies and review via the CLLAA website. All meeting minutes and Treasurers’ reports will be posted to the web site for viewing and Dave Warriner encouraged everyone to visit the website and review the content. Fred Schramm continues to be the lake associations “webmaster” and gave the address for the site: www.CLLAA.org

Barb Hall provided additional financial information regarding the annual Invasive Species Special Assessment balance (county charge to lake and lake access owners to fund the treatment of invasive species for a 5 year term). She indicated that the balance was approximately $46,500 and there are outstanding 2017 billings for the 2017 lake treatment and annual biologist fees. She believes that the balance after making these payments will be approximately $30,000 rolling into 2018. After 2017 there are two years remaining with the current Special Assessment with Aloha Township/Cheboygan County. Barb commented that we would most likely see reduced billings in the future for treatment (based on less treatment) and that we still have our contract commitment with Progressive AE (biologist) . She also indicated that any surplus funds would roll into the next years balance.

Election of 2017 Officers

David Warriner explained that the odd/even calendar years designate which districts were up for election. Since this is 2017 the odd districts were to be voted on for renewal. Per the agenda all positions were open to the floor for additional nominations.

Dave indicated that the District Three representative (Dee Slunick) had moved into the Brook Retirement Center and was no longer living at Long Lake. Prior to the meeting he canvassed the district for a volunteer but was unable to find one. He asked if there was anyone in attendance who would be interested and there was no response. Chuck Maziasz clarified that you did not have to be from the specific district and that it was an opportunity to sit on the board and bring fresh ideas to the group. There remained no interest from those in attendance. Dave indicated he would continue to look for a new representative.

A motion was made and seconded to vote on the entire slate as the agenda indicated for 2017. The floor unanimously approved the entire slate.

Milfoil Treatment and Invasive Species Discussion

David recapped the invasive treatment activities and provided information from the lake survey conducted by Progressive AE. David and Chuck Maziasz once again participated in the lake survey with Progressive AE which was conducted in June 2017.

The survey provided updates to the GPS survey of the sites on the lake containing milfoil and compared them to last year’s survey results. The results were published and provided as handouts at the annual meeting and will also be posted on the website.  The results reflect continued progress from last year’s survey. This year less than 8 acres of the 400 acre lake contained the milfoil as compared to 40 acres in 2015. Chuck indicated that much of the documented milfoil was individual plants instead of the big plant blooms from the past. It was also noted that the native water plants were returning to the lake.

View the GPS survey results:

A question was asked to see if we could skip a year and save the treatment and associated expense for a future year. Chuck indicated that in past history treatments were skipped and this action resulted in the milfoil coming back and taking over. He indicated that it could be asked to the biologist and that the biologist information would be the best direction to follow.

There was a short discussion on the status of the fishing conditions (since the milfoil treatment) which suggested that the walleye fishing was slower. However several people indicated that there was some evidence that the panfish size appeared to be growing over last year. Also it was reported that there was an unconfirmed rumor that the DNR had planted several thousand walleye fingerlings but this was not confirmed.

A question was asked regarding using the Special Assessment funds on treating the Purple Loosestrife which is found growing at the inlet at the south end of the lake. Discussion took place about the implications of the herbicide used for treating Purple Loosestrife and the potential negative impacts on the lakes, streams, and ponds. Discussions about pulling the plants vs poisoning also occurred. It was agreed that the Purple Loosestrife issue would be discussed with Tony Groves (Progressive AE biologist) to see what information he could provide to the lake association.

Dave Warriner discussed two organizations who are directly involved in the impacts of invasive species in Michigan Lakes. These organizations are the Tipp of the Mitt Watershed Council and the Michigan Waterfront Alliance. Dave brought examples of their educational information that included:

Dave also indicated that he will remain in contact with both organizations and acquire additional information regarding the Michigan Waterfront Alliance direction to bring more overall state responsibility for controlling water invasive species impacts and control.

July 4th Boat Parade – Chuck Maziasz

The annual 4th of July boat parade would be on the 4th at 2:00pm and start at the south end of the lake. The association members were encouraged to participate and arrive by 2:00 as the parade always kicks off on time

50/50 Draw

The drawing was held and $38 was awarded to the lucky ticket holder who immediately donated the proceeds to the Lake Association funds.

Other Open Floor Topics

Fabian LaVigne explained the Kiwanis support of youth activities in the area and indicated there were fund raising raffle tickets available after the meeting for those interested. The current project focus is revamping Kiwanis Park in Cheboygan. He also communicated the date of the annual Kiwanis rummage sale ( July 6,7 2017)

Fabian informed the lake association members that 2017 would be the final year of his participation in leading the data collection of water clarity information for the ongoing Tipp of the Mitt Water initiative.
He detailed the tasks and indicated he would work with the replacement to bring them up to speed for 2018.

There was a question and brief discussion on the use of as many as 4 different trash haulers all of whom come on different days with large trucks that have an impact on the township roads. Chuck Maziasz indicated the challenge of reducing the number of trash haulers to just one. He also encouraged association members to take advantage of the free once a month (last Thursday of the month) Aloha Township contract with PAC – Onaway to remove township trash.

A motion was offered and seconded and all voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 am.