10 Ways to Protect Your Lake
- Don’t use lawn fertilizer that contains phosphorus. If you use a professional lawn care service, insist upon a fertilizer that does not contain phosphorus.
- Use the minimum amount of fertilizer recommended on the label — more is not necessarily better!
- Water the lawn sparingly to avoid washing nutrients and sediments into the lake.
Don’t feed ducks and geese near the lake. Waterfowl droppings are high in nutrients and may cause swimmer’s itch.
- Don’t burn leaves and grass clippings near the shoreline. Nutrients concentrate in the ash and can easily wash into the lake.
- Don’t mow to the water’s edge. Instead, allow a strip of natural vegetation (i.e., a greenbelt) to become established along your waterfront. A greenbelt will trap pollutants and discourage nuisance geese from frequenting your property.
- Where possible, promote infiltration of stormwater into the ground. Build a rain garden to capture runoff from driveways and downspouts.
- Don’t dump anything in area wetlands. Wetlands are natural purifiers.
- If you have a septic system, have your septic tank pumped every 2 to 3 years.
- Don’t be complacent — your collective actions will make or break the lake!
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